1.1. Introduction¶
ESPresso is an ESP8266/NodeMCU file manager and uploader with some distinct features:
- It connects to ESP directly over TCP/IP port (in other words - over WiFi). It’s not using any serial port (physical nor virtual). No additional software on computer side is required. The only thing you need is to run the daemon script on the ESP side (standard script from NodeMCU docs that redirects serial output to TCP - see ESP side installation).
- It represents a dual-pane filemanager approach. It’s designed to effectively send files to ESP, compile them and run.
- It can ‘diet’ uploaded files using LuaSrcDiet on the fly.
- It’s equipped with a built-in ADC monitor with a simple graph.
- It’s possible to preview local source Lua files using built-in viewer (with Lua source highlighter), parse and compile them (using local lua compiler).
- File downloads from ESP to the local filesystem are supported.