2.1. Installation

ESPresso comes with binaries for Windows (both 32 or 64 bit) and Linux (i386, amd64 and armhf, all for gtk2 widgetset).

ESPresso doesn’t require installation. Simply unpack files (preserving directory structure) to the location you want and run the espresso.exe (win32, win64) or espresso (Linux version). If you don’t know which version to use - choose win32.

2.1.1. Windows specific requirements

ESPresso for Windows requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 to be present on your system. It’s likely that it’s already been installed since many programs depend on it. If your system shows that MSVCR110.dll is missing when you start ESPresso then you might use the MSVCR110.dll file included in win32 version folder or install proper version of VCredist from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=30679

2.1.2. Firewall

ESPresso uses outgoing telnet connection to the address and port of your choice (NodeMCU telnet scripts usually listen on port 2323). Make sure that your firewall doesn’t block outgoing connections to this port.

2.1.3. Lua interpreter

ESPresso optionally uses Lua interpreter to run LuaSrcDiet script.

ESPresso package for Windows comes with Lua interpreter already included in lua subfolder so usually no further configuration is required.

ESPresso for Linux uses system Lua interpreter so you need to:

  1. Make sure it’s present in your system (lua command),
  2. Point [LUA]/path key in ESPresso.ini file to the correct Lua path.

2.1.4. Lua compiler

ESPresso is able to parse (syntax check) local *.lua source files when Lua compiler is installed on the system.

ESPresso package for Windows comes with Lua compiler already included in lua subfolder so usually no further configuration is required.

ESPresso for Linux uses system Lua compiler so you need to:

  1. Make sure it’s present in your system (luac command),
  2. Point [LUA]/compiler key in ESPresso.ini file to the correct Lua compiler path. Lua cross-compiler

With local Lua cross-compiler it’s possible to compile Lua sources on your host machine and send binary *.lc files to ESP platform.

Lua cross-compiler may be prepared using instructions from: http://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/master/en/upload/#compiling-lua-on-your-pc-for-uploading

ESPresso package for Linux amd64 comes with already prepared cross-compiler in lua subfolder so usually no further configuration is required.


Please note that standard Lua compiler from your host machine is not able to produce *.lc files compatible with NodeMCU and can be used only for syntax checking. To compile *.lc files usable on NodeMCU you must use special cross-compiler.

To enable local compile button you need to:

  1. Point [LUA]/compiler key in ESPresso.ini file to the correct Lua cross-compiler path.
  2. Set [LUA]/cross key in ESPresso.ini file to 1 to enable cross-compilation.

2.1.5. LuaSrcDiet

ESPresso uses LuaScrDiet to compress files you upload to ESP8266 on the fly.

ESPresso package (for both Windows and Linux) has LuaSrcDiet.lua already included in lua subfolder.


Please note that included LuaScrDiet works with Lua 5.1.

If you’d like to use LuaScrDiet from another directory please update path in ESPresso.ini file under [DIET]/path key.